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教育管理的伦理基础金保华著华中师范大学出版社AbstractThe reality of relatively low researching standard in educationaladministration theories and the phenomenon of ethics lacking or misusing in itspractices determines that we need to further intensify the research on the ethicalfoundations of educational administration,which is urgent for us not only from theperspective of enhancing the level and quality of educational administrationtheories,but also from the perspective of improving the poor situation of severelylacking ethical foundations in the present educational administration practices inour country.Based on the above points,the author takes the research of educationadministration ethical foundations as his thesis's topic,and he hopes his opinionswill be helpful to improve both the educational administration theories andpractices through in-depth research on such topic.To put it briefly,the contents of the thesis include:clarifying the connotationand characteristics of educational administration ethical foundations in a scientificway,exploring the interactive relations between educational administration andethics,inquiring the reason why educational administration bases itself on ethics,certifying what kind of ethics can be foundations of educational administration,revealing the basic moral spirits and ethical principles that need to be followed ineducational administration practices,trying to find scientific and progressiveethical foundations for educational administration,yzing the cause of lackingethical foundations with reference to present educational administration practicesin our country,and then putting forward the specific ways of restructuring theethical foundations of educational administration.The thesis is divided into seven chapters.The in topics of each chapter aresumrized in the following paragraphs:The first chapter is the leading part.This part focuses on the problems that1教育管理的伦理基础this thesis discusses,yses the background and the current research situation ofthe problem,elaborates the in purpose and the important significance of thestudy,and finally figures out the basic trail and research methods of solving theproblems.The second chapter:What are ethical foundations of educationaladministration?This chapter is based on the understanding of such concepts aseducational administration and ethics.I expound the connotation of educationaladministration ethical foundations,namely,"ethics-oriented mode"or "ethicalmodel"required in educational administration as an effective way of organizingeducational activities.Such model or mode is in fact a kind of ethical valuessystem,including the in opinions and standards that can be supportive ineducational administration practices.Then I inquire into the unique features ofeducational administration ethical foundations,holding that it is a unity ofeducation and administration,ideality and reality,relativity and absoluti.The third chapter:Why educational administration is based on ethics?Thisquestion is answered from two aspects:possibility and necessity.That is to say,on one hand,ethical property kes it possible for educational administration tohave ethics as its foundation;on the other hand,the educational value andfunctions of ethics ke it necessary to be foundations of educationaladministration.The possibility and necessity ke common efforts to prove thateducational administration practices inevitably need corresponding ethical valuesystem as its support,or we can say it must be established on the foundation ofcertain ethical pursuits.Besides,I also yze and discuss the relations betweenethical foundations and scientific foundations,ethical foundations and lawfoundations,ethical foundations and other related foundations of educationaladministration.The forth chapter:What kind of ethics should educational administration bebased on?In fact,it is also a question about the ethical standards of educationaladministration,namely,what ethical concept of value and what ethical principlesshould educational administration obey.Firstly,I introduce in ethical ideas oftwo opposite schools on ethics:teleological theories and deontological theories,2