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《风险投资业 英文影印版》B.齐德

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《风险投资业 英文影印版》B.齐德
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Welcome to this entry in the From the Field series of case collections from HBS Publishing. We have three in objectives for this series:To enrich readers'understanding of business by presenting coherent collections offield-based research published by Harvard Business School. Understanding business involves much more than earnings reports and news headlines. It means understanding how nagers perceive and yze the complex challenges their companies face and the strategies and tactics they devise in response. For nearly a century HBS has been researching the world of nagers from inside companies and delivering their stories to facilitate superior teaching and learning. You won't find easy answers or quick fixes in these cases, but you will discover balanced, detailed pictures of industries, rkets, and technologies, and the intelligent professionals who- like you- are trying to cope with them. To focus on the latest HBS work on tumultuous, fast-growth industries. Today's companies are fast-moving targets. We keep our From the Field collections current by concentrating only on newer case stus. And the series is focused on rapidly evolving industries with business practices that no one could have foreseen even a decade ago. To guide readers to Web-based sources of infortion that can supply good supplemental infortion. Using the best Web resources you can find out "what happened next'in the companies that our case stus examine-and, if you dig in the right places, why it happened. We get you started by steering you to sites where you can learn more. As the From the Field series develops we will enrich and refine our Web guidance, partly based on suggestions we receive from readers such as you. Harvard Business School Publishing has additional resources-including more case stus-on all the topics covered in the From the Field series. To research other products, to learn about other titles in this series, or to order additional copies of this reader, call 1-800-545-7685 or visit our Web site at .hbsp.harvard.edu. The Editors INTRODUCTION TO THIS COLLECTION Each item in this collection has been chosen because it reveals particular elements of the venture capital industry today. Each of the items is introduced with a sumry. Following each item is a set of “Questions and Ideas to Consider”that we hope will drive you to the Internet for more research! We open the collection with an article from Harvard Business Review,“How Venture Capital Works."This article seeks to debunk some popular myths about the venture capital industry. The ONSET Ventures case offers both an inside look at a venture capital firm and an interesting counterpoint to "How Venture Capital Works."The next two cases look more closely at the often complex relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. "AsiaMail"includes a substantial guide to the capital-raising process, written from the entrepreneur's perspective, while the edocs, Inc. series focuses on actual negotiations between entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Venture capitalists and entrepreneurs share the same goal: to eventually take the firm public. The case on W.R.Hambrecht + Company's "OpenIPO" process illustrates both the traditional IPO process and Hambrecht's alternative approach. Azon's experience of preparing to go public focuses on the challenges of this process, The Intel Capital case illustrates the increasing popularity of corporate venture capital. Finally, the "Note on Private Equity Infortion Sources" highlights valuable sources of infortion about private equity, ny of which are not available on the Web. Did You Know HBS Publishing has ny other recent cases on retailing and related subjects. Here is just a all sampling of cases published since 199: ● Alloy: Marketing to Generation Y 500-048 ● CVS:The Web Strategy 500-008 ● Egghead to Egghead (A)599-093 and (B)599-099 ● Krt,Inc.and Builders Square 200-044 ● Priceline: Name Your Own Price 500-070 ● Victory Superrkets: Expansion Strategy?599-094 To get infortion on these and other HBS Publishing terials, visit our Web site:.hbsp.harvard.edu. In the search field, enter "electronic commerce."You might be surprised by how much you'll find! iv