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《最大化你的投资收益.成功基金投资的十大黄金准则 英汉对照》科克著

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《最大化你的投资收益.成功基金投资的十大黄金准则 英汉对照》科克著
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最大化你的收益成功基金的十大黄金准则[比]Laurent KOCH著易肠译Investing in FundsTen Golden RulesF80Fudan University PressIntroductionDuring his lectures,the author,founder of the INSEADAlumni Association Wealth Management Club,has oftenbeen asked what a sound long-term financial strategy lookslike,and which investment instruments are most attractive.This Investor's Guide is the result of the author's personalresearch on these questions.The author has identified three in reasons for theprevalence of unsatisfactory returns on long-term investing:-Poor investment planning,resulting in the improperallocation of assets;-emotional reasoning,which can lead to unfavorabledecisions:-and most importantly,the deliberate efforts of WallStreet and others to advertise low-yield products such asstructured products,or non-transparent products such ashedge funds,which pay very high commissions.Emphasizing the role of mutual funds,this Investor'sGuide shows that it is indeed possible to increase one's wealthover the long term by investing in financial instruments.IntroductionHowever,investing in mutual funds does require carefulplanning,the sound selection of funds,and the ongoingmonitoring of acquired assets.This Guide helps investors devise an optil investmentstrategy and select the right funds by discussing thefollowing:-the allocation of assets based onboth assetcharacteristics and your personal circumstances;-the cost of funds,both upfront and hidden,includingsuggestions on how to determine the hidden costs of any givenfund;which categories of financial products should beavoided and why;-and which categories of financial products the authorrecommends,including an evaluation of their risks andbenefits.The Guide avoids industry jargon whenever possible,andclearly defines the most important concepts in easy-to-understand,everyday language.It is brief and concise,focusing only on issues relevant to individual investors.Theideas are also easy to apply,since the key infortion can besumrized in a set of ten straightforward rules.There are two ways to read this Guide:-from beginning to end,following the chapters in thecorrect order,or-by selecting only the sections and chapters that002Investing in Funds