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《中国历史地图集 精装本第三册 三国西晋时期》谭其骧主编

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《中国历史地图集 精装本第三册 三国西晋时期》谭其骧主编
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十二、水系泽藏除采自《三国志》记载外,一概以《水经》为据。十三、鲜卑等部简图一幅,以公元236-262年(魏青龙四年至景元三年)为准,画出诸部鲜卑及西北诸部以及境内著名山川和庭帐城邑等;附盛乐附近插图一幅。西晋时期图组编例一、本图组包括全图一幅,分幅图十三幅,简图一幅,插图四幅。二、全图画出晋太康二年(公元281年)的疆域政区和当时我国边区各族分布地。晋境内画出十九州和西域长史府的辖境和治所、部分郡国治所和西域属国首府。边区各族因记载简略,只标注其大致方位,并钩出若干条部族的活动范围界。三、分幅图晋十九州分为十二幅,另西城长史府合乌孙为一幅。司州、梁益二州、扬州、交广二州四幅各附插图一幅。四、西晋地方行政区划仍为州、郡、县三级,另有王国相当于郡,公国、侯国相当于县,处理方法同三国。益州南部罢康降都督改设宁州。诸农官或罢或改为郡县。诸领县都尉或罢或升为郡。北边诸族监护官惟存东爽校尉。五、《晋书·地理志》多脱误,本图组州郡县建置据清人毕沅《晋书地理志新补正》、方恺《新校晋书地理志》等考订成果予以补正。六、西域长史府处理方法同三国。七、已废或后置县择要画出,用聚邑级符号注记,注出“县”宇。八、水系泽薮除采自《晋书》记载外,又据《尔雅》、《山海经》郭璞注予以增补;凡较大河流湖泊虽不见当时记载,但前后代皆有者,仍画出而不作注记。九、鲜卑等部简图一幅,插图一幅,年代同西晋,内容及表示方法悉同三国鲜卑幅。The Compiling Principles forthe Three Kingdoms Period Map-Group1.This p-group consists of one general p,fourteen component ps,one simplifiedp and six insets.2.The general p covers the boundaries and administration regions of the ThreeKingdoms,.i.e.Wei(魏,Shu(),wu(吴,at262A.D.(the third year of the Jing YuanPeriod of Wei,the fifth year of the Jing Yao period of Shu,the fifth year of the YongAn of Wu)and the distributions of the Chinese border minorities at the time as well.Within the regions ofthe Three Kingdoms,the seats and boundaries of Zhou (#)some of theseats of (邵)and Guo(图),the boundary and seat of the Zhang Shi Fu(長史府)in Xi Yu(the Western Regions)and some of the capitals of Shu Guo under the Zhang ShiFu administration.The records available for the border minorities are inadequate so that thep has on it only their approxite locations and the scope of their operations.3.There are fourteen component ps in this group:eight for the twelve Zhou of Wei andone for the Zhang Shi Fu and Wu Sun ()two for one Zhou of Shu,three for the three Zhouof Wu respectively.You Zhou(幽州,Wei),Yong Zhou(雍州,Wei),The northern part of YiZhou(益州,Shu),Yang Zhou(揚州,Wu),Jiao Zhou(交州,Wu)each have an inset..4.The local administration hierarchy for the Three Kingdoms formed by the three levels:Zhou, and Xian ()In addition,there are Wang Guo (on the same level with ,and Wang Guo,Gong Guo(公图,Hou Guo(侯),Bo Guo(伯国,Zi Guo(子画),Nan Guo()on the same level as Xian The former shares the same seat sign with though its specialstatus is indicated.And the latter shares the same sign with Xian while their special status isindicated.S.There is no Di Li Zhi(地理志The Geographical Records,)in San Guo Zhi(三園志,TheHistory of the Three Kingdoms).so the establishments of the Zhou and within Wei,Shu andWu,have to be based on San Guo Xian Biao(三圈郡释表,Tables of and Xian of theThree Kingdoms,)compiled by Wu Zen Jin(吴增懂)in Qing(清)Dynasty,.with a reference toXie Zhong Ying's(谢鐘英)San Guo Jiang Yu Biao(三国覆城表,Tables for the AdministrativeRegions of the Three Kingdoms)and Hong Liang Ji's (Bu San Guo Jiang Yu Zhi(辅三國羅域志,A Supplementation to the Administrative Regions Records of the Three6.The Lai Xiang Du Du(康降都督)of Shu,which ruled seven in Nan Zhong(南中,the Southern Areas),was subordinated to Yi Zhou.There are two component ps for thenorthern part and southern part of Yi Zhou respectively,and the latter indicates the seven ruled over by this DuDu.The dercation lines between the two parts are treated as thosebetween ,not Zhou.The full name of the DuDu is indicated at the seat in Jian Ning (建率邵without further rking.7.Agricultural Offices were instituted in Wei and Wu and their administration seats areindicated on the p together with their full names.Most of them,being on the same level ofXian,share the seat sign with Xian,while the few others are treated as Ju Yi (inhabitedlocality)with the exception of Bi Ling Dian Nong Xiao Wei(毗陵典晨校尉,being on the samelevel of ,shares the seat sign with .8.Wei Kingdom istituted militaty supervisory offices such as Hu Wu Wan Xiao Wei(濩烏丸校尉,Xiong Nu Zhong Lang Jiang(匈奴中郎将)Hu Xian Bei Xiao Wei(簿鲜卑校尉),Dong Yi Xiao Wei(束夷校尉)over the subordinate tribes in its northern border regions..Theseinstitutions have their seats and fuil name indicated.9.Wu Kingdom instituted within its bigger the offices of Du Wei )which ruledover Xian but were still subordinated to ,with Eastern,Western,Northern and Southernplaced in front of the name.These institutions have their seats and full names indicated.10.The Zhang Shi Fu in Xi Yu shares the same seat sign with Zhou while Gao Chang