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《Programming Windows Store Apps with Csharp文字版》Matthew Baxter-Reynolds

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《Programming Windows Store Apps with Csharp文字版》Matthew Baxter-Reynolds
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Programming Windows Store Apps with C#by Matt Baxter-Reynolds and Iris ClassonPrinted in the United States of AmericaPublished by O'Reilly Media,Inc.,1005 Gravenstein Highway North,Sebastopol,CA 95472.O'Reilly books y be purchased for educational,business,or sales promotional use.Online editions arealso available for mosttitles(://my.safaribooksonline).For more infortion,contact our corporate/institutional sales department:800-998-9938 or corporate@oreilly.Editors:Maria Stallone and Rachel RoumeliotisIndexer:Judith McConvilleProduction Editor:Melanie YarbroughCover Designer:Randy ComerCopyeditor:Rachel MonaghanInterior Designer:David FutatoProofreader:Charles Roumeliotislllustrator:Rebecca DerestFebruary 2014:First EditionRevision History forthe First Edition:2014-02-10:First releaseSee ://oreilly/catalog/errata.csp?in=9781449320850 for release details.Nutshell Handbook,the Nutshell Handbooklogo,andthe O'Reillylogo are registered traderks ofO'ReillyMedia,Inc.Programming Windows Store Apps with C#,the ige of a pika,and related trade dress aretraderks of O'Reilly Media,Inc.Many of the designations used by nufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed astraderks.Where those designations appear in this book,and O'Reilly Media,Inc.,was aware of a trade-rk claim,the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps.While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book,the publisher and author assume noresponsibility for errors or omissions,or for dages resulting from the use of the infortion containedherein.ISB:978-1-449-32085-0[LSI]Table of Contents1.Making the Transition from .NET(Part 1)..........1Why WinRT?1Philosophical Differences2Objectives3The New Project Templates3WinRT Metadata4Project Settings and Adding References9Building a Basic User Intece11UI Tracks11XAML Parsing Basics14Building a Basic Page15Implementing MVVM25WPF and Silverlight26MVVM Structure and Inversion of Control28Creating the View-Model and Running the App382.Making the Transition from .NET(Part 2)..........47Inversion of Control47Installing Tinylo8Initializing IoC Defaults49Understanding Asynchrony53How Asynchrony Works in WinRT55Calling the Server60Building the Service Proxies60Building the Register MethodFinishing the UI to Call the Register Server Function67Logon68