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《Head First PHP and MySQL 文字版》Lynn Beighley

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《Head First PHP and MySQL 文字版》Lynn Beighley
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Praise for Head First HTML with CSS XHTML"Eric and Elisabeth Freen clearly know their stuff.As the Internet becomes more complex,inspiredconstruction of web pages becomes increasingly critical.Elegant design is at the core of every chapter here,each concept conveyed with equal doses of pragti and wit."-Ken Goldstein,Executive Vice President Managing Director,Disney Online"The Web would be a much better place if every HTML author started off by reading this book."-L.David Baron,Technical Lead,Layout CSS,Mozilla Corporation,://dbaron.org/"I've been writing HIML and CSS for ten years now,and what used to be a long trial and error learningprocess has now been reduced neatly into an engaging paperback.H'TML used to be something youcould just hack away at until things looked okay on screen,but with the advent of web standards andthe movement towards accessibility,sloppy coding practice is not acceptable anymore...from a businessstandpoint or a social responsibility standpoint.Head First HTML with CSS XHTML teaches you howto do things right from the beginning without king the whole process seem overwhelming.HTML,when properly explained,is no more complicated than plain English,and the Freens do an excellentjob of keeping every concept at eye-level."-Mike Davidson,President CEO,Newsvine,Inc."Oh,great.You de an XHTML book simple enough a CEO can understand it.What will youdo next?Accounting simple enough my developer can understand it?Next thing you know we'll becollaborating as a team or something."-Janice Fraser,CEO,Adaptive Path"This book has humor,and charm,but most importantly,it has heart.I know that sounds ridiculousto say about a technical book,but I really sense that at its core,this book (or at least its authors)reallycare that the reader learn the terial.This comes across in the style,the language,and the techniques.Learning-real understanding and comprehension-on the part of the reader is clearly top most inthe minds of the Freens.And thank you,thank you,thank you,for the book's strong,and sensibleadvocacy of standards compliance.It's great to see an entry level book,that I think will be widely readand stud,campaign so eloquently and persuasively on behalf of the value of standards compliance inweb page code.I even found in here a few great arguments I had not thought of -ones I can rememberand use when I am asked-as I still am-'what's the deal with compliance and why should we care?'I'll have more ammo now!I also liked that the book sprinkles in some basics about the mechanics ofactually getting a web page live-FTB web server basics,file structures,etc."-Robert Neer,Director of Product Development,MoviesPraise for Head First JavaScript"So practical and useful,and so well explained.This book does a great job of introducing a completenewbie to JavaScript,and it's another testament to Head First's teaching style.Out of the othera phone book.”-Alex Lee,Student,University of Houston"An excellent choice for the beginning JavaScript developer."-Fletcher Moore,Web Developer Designer,Georgia Institute of Technology"Yet another great book in the classic Head First'style."-TW Scannell"JavaScript has long been the client-side engine that drives pages on the Web,but it has also long beeunderstood and misused.With Head First JavaScript,Michael Morrison gives a straightforward andeasy-to-understand introduction of this language,removing any misunderstanding that ever existed andshowing how to most effectively use it to enhance your web pages."-Anthony T.Holdener III,Web applications developer,and the author of Ajax:The Definitive Guide."A web page has three parts-content (HTML),appearance (CSS),and behaviour (JavaScript).Head FirstHTML introduced the first two,and this book uses the same fun but practical approach to introduceJavaScript.The fun way in which this book introduces JavaScript and the ny ways in which itreinforces the infortion so that you will not forget it kes this a perfect book for beginners to use tostart them on the road to king their web pages interactive."-Stephen Chapn,Owner Felgall Pty Ltd.,JavaScript editor,about"This is the book I've been looking for to recommend to my readers.It is simple enough for completebeginners but includes enough depth to be useful to more advanced users.And it kes the process oflearning fun.This might just be the only JavaScript book you ever need."-Julie L Baumler,JavaScript Editor BellaOnline