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《卓有成效的程序员 影印版》福特著

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《卓有成效的程序员 影印版》福特著
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任何一个以开发软件为生的人都需要掌握一种经过实践检验的方法,来使自己工作得更好、更快、更高效。《卓有成效的程序员》在“如何节省时间”方面提供了宝贵意见和实用工具,无论你使用何种平台,都能立刻应用于其中。大师级的开发者Neal Ford不仅提供了关于提高生产力的建议∶如何更明智地工作,排除干扰,充分利用计算机,以及避免重复同时他还详细介绍了许多有价值的实践经验,帮助你规避常见陷阱,改善代码,从而为团队创造更大的价值。图书在版编目(CP)数据卓有成效的程序员:英文/(美)福特(Ford,N.)著.一影印本.一南京:东南大学出版社,2010.1书名原文:The Productive ProgrammerISBN978-7-5641-1924-9中国版本图书馆CP数据核字(2009)第205658号江苏省版权局著作权合同登记图字:10-2009-242号2008 by O'Reilly Media,Inc.Reprint of the English Edition,jointly published by O'Reilly Media.Inc.and Southeast UniversityPress,2009.Authorized reprint of the original English edition,2008 O'Reilly Media,Inc.,theowner of all rights to publish and sell the same.All rights reserved including the rights of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.英文原版由O'Reilly Media,lnc.出版2008。英文影印版由东南大学出版社出版2009。此影印版的出版和销售得到出版权和销售权的所有者O'Reilly Media,Inc.的许可。,未得书面许可,本书的任何部分和全部不得以任何形式重制。卓有成效的程序员(影印版)出版发行:东南大学出版社地址:南京四牌楼2号邮编:210096出版人:江汉网址:://press..seu.edu电子邮件:press@seu.edu印刷:扬中市印刷有限公司开本:787毫米×980毫米16开本印张:14印张字数:235千字版次:2010年1月第1版印次:2010年1月第1次印刷书号:ISBN978-7-5641-1924-9印数:1~1500册定价:42.00元(册)本社图书若有印装质量问题,请直接与读者服务部联系。电话(传真):025-83792328FOREWORDThe individual productivity of programmers varies widely in our industry.What most of uight be able to get done in a week,some are able to get done in a day.Why is that?The shortanswer concerns stery of the tools developers have at their disposal.The long answer isabout the real awareness of the tools'capabilities and stery of the thought process for usingthem.The truth lies somewhere between a methodology and a philosophy,and that is whatNeal captures in this book.The seeds of this book were planted in the fall of 2005,on a ride back to the airport.Neal askedme,"Do you think the world needs another book on regular expressions?"From there,theconversation turned to topics of books we wished existed.I thought back to a point in mycareer where I feel I de the leap from merely good to very productive,and how and whythat happened.I said,"I don't know what the title of the book is,but the subtitle would be'using the comnd line as an integrated development environment.'"At the time I creditedmy increased productivity to the acceleration I experienced using the bash shell,but it waore than that-it was my increasing familiarity with that tool as I stopped having to struggleto do things and could just get them done.We spent some time discussing thathyperproductivity and how to bottle it.Several years,untold conversations,and a series oflectures later,Neal has produced a definitive work on the subject.In his book Programming Perl(O'Reilly),Larry Wall describes the three virtues of aprogrammer as "laziness,impatience,and hubris."Laziness,because you will expend effort toreduce the amount of overall work necessary.Impatience,because it will anger you if you arewasting time doing something the computer could do faster for you.And hubris,becauseexcessive pride will ke you write programs that other people won't say bad things about.This book doesn't use any of those words (and I used grep to check),but as you read on,youPDGwill find this sentiment echoed and expanded in this content.