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《PHP Cookbook 3rd Edition》David Sklar

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《PHP Cookbook 3rd Edition》David Sklar
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PHP Cookbook,Third Editionby David Sklar and Adam TrachtenbergCopyright @2014 David Sklar and Adam Trachtenberg.All rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America.Published by O'Reilly Media,Inc.,1005 Gravenstein Highway North,Sebastopol,CA 95472.O'Reilly books y be purchased for educational,business,or sales promotional use.Online editions arealso available for most titles(://my.safaribooksonline).For more infortion,contact our corporate/institutional sales department:800-998-9938 or corporate@oreilly.Editors:Rachel Roumeliotis and Allyson MacDonald Indexer:Judith McConvilleProduction Editor:Melanie YarbroughCover Designer:Karen MontgomeryCopyeditor:Kim CoferInterior Designer:David FutatoProofreader:Charles Roumeliotislllustrator:Rebecca Dereste 2001:First Editione 2004:Second Editione 2014:Third EditionRevision History for the Third Edition:2014-06-25:First releaseSee ://oreilly/catalog/errata.csp?in=9781449363758 for release details.Nutshell Handbook,the Nutshell Handbooklogo,andthe O'Reillylogo are registered traderks ofO'ReillyMedia,Inc.PHP Cookbook,the ige of a Galapagos land iguana,and related trade dress are traderksof O'Reilly Media,Inc.Many of the designations used by nufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed astraderks.Where those designations appear in thiook,andO'Reilly Media,Inc.was aware ofatraderkclaim,the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps.While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book,the publisher and authors assumeno responsibility for errors or omissions,or for dagesresulting from the use ofthe infortion containedherein.ISB:978-1-449-36375-8[LSI]Table of Contents1.Strings...……11.1 Accessing Substrings51.2 Extracting Substrings61.3 Replacing Substrings71.4 Processing a String One Byte at a Time91.5 Reversing a String by Word or Byte101.6 Generating a Random String111.7 Expanding and Compressing Tabs121.8 Controlling Case141.9 Interpolating Functions and Expressions Within Strings161.10 Trimming Blanks from a String171.11 Generating Com-Separated Data181.12 Parsing Com-Separated Data201.13 Generating Fixed-Width Field Data Records1.14 Parsing Fixed-Width Field Data Records21.15 Taking Strings Apart1.16 Wrapping Text at a Certain Line Length11.17 Storing Binary Data in Strings1.18 Program:Downloadable CSV File31352.1 Checking Whether a Variable Contains a Valid Number362.2 Comparing Floating-Point Numbers372.3 Rounding Floating-Point Numbers382.4 Operating on a Series of Integers402.5 Generating Random Numbers Within a Range422.6 Generating Predictable Random Numbers43