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《基础统计学 第十版 Elementary Statistics 10e》Mario F. Triola

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《基础统计学 第十版 Elementary Statistics 10e》Mario F. Triola
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Elementary Statistics, Tenth Edition, is the result of over 30 years of teaching, re-search, and innovation in statistics education. The goal of this book is to be an en-gaging and thorough introduction to statisttics for students. Although formulas and forl procedures can be found througlout the text, it emphasizes the develop-ment of statistical literacy and critical thinking. This book encourages thinking over the blind use of mechanical procedures.Elementary Statistics has been the leading introductory statistics textbook in the United States for ny years. By reaching millions of students, it has become the single best-selling statistics textbookof all time. Here are some important fea-tures that have contributed to its consistent success:· Emphasis on statistical literacy and critical thinking· Emphasis on understanding concepts instead of cookbook calculationsL· Abundant use of real data· Writing style that is clear,friendly,and occasionally humorous · Diverse and abundant pedagogical features · An array of helpful supplements for students and professors· Addison-Wesley sales,technical,support, and editorial professionals who areexceptional in their commitment and expertiseApart from learning about statistics, ancother important objective of Elementary Statistics, Tenth Edition is to provide aframework that fosters personal growth through the use of technology, work withpeers, critical thinking, and the develop-ment of communication skills. Elementaly Statistics allows students to apply their learned skills beyond the classroom in a real-world context.This text reflects recommendations from the American Statistical Association and its Guidelines for Assesent and Insstruction in Statistics Education(GAISE), the Mathetical Association of America, the American Mathetical Association of Two-Year Colleges, and the Nationsal Council of Teachers of Mathetics.Aunce/PrerequisitesElementary Statistics is written for students joring in any subject. Although the use of algebra is minil,students should have completed at least a high school or college elementary algebra course. In ny cases, underlying theory behind top-ics is included, but this book does not require the thetical rigor more suit-able for thetics jors. Because the ny examples and exercises cover aXV5014_TriolaE/S_FMppi-v 11/23/05 10:24 AM Page vTo Marc and Scott⊕⊕5014_TriolaE/S_FMppi-v 11/23/05 10:24 AM Page vi⊕⊕