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美国名校毕业演讲大公开攀上世界的巅峰 那些政界名流对我的激励 英汉对照_邓琳超主编 沈明 宋颖译_9787515904801

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美国名校毕业演讲大公开攀上世界的巅峰 那些政界名流对我的激励 英汉对照_邓琳超主编 沈明 宋颖译_9787515904801
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美国名校毕业演讲大公开》攀上世界的巅峰saw violence.My eyes saw graffiti.But the first person I met,the tenant leader inhigh-rise projects that I would eventually move into,Miss Jones,she said to me,"Tellme again what you see.Describe what you see around you."And I described what Isaw.And she looked at me and she said,"Boy,if that's all you see,you can neverhelp me."And I go,"What do you mean?"And she goes,"You need to understandsomething,that the world you see outside of you is a reflection of what you haveinside of you.And,if you see only problems and darkness and despair,that's allthere's ever gonna be.But,if you're one of those stubborn people who every time youopen your eyes,you see hope,opportunity,possibility,love-even the face of God-then you can help me ke a change."And I remember,after she said that,looking ather,scratching my head,and thinking to myselfOK,grasshopper,thus endeth thelesson.I worked with this won,this tenant leader,and I would sit at her kitchen tableand watch these other African-American women sit around that table in these projecteing run by a slumlord and they would sit there and strategize about how to takecare of the kids in the community,how to keep a family in their housing when theymissed a rental payment.I stood there and I watched them thinking about how tosupport that community and I found it,I found conspirators.I found people coming together and they weren't just in those projects-all overNewark I saw more and more people who had a courage,who had a spirit,who had alove.And so,for my father's sake,I want to explain to you the three things that theseconspirators all had in common.One was they embraced discomfort.They did notseek comfort and convenience.They went to where the challenges were.Here were people around me in Newark doing extraordinary things outsideof their comfort zones.Like the n who was a retired state worker that got hisstimulus check in the il and,instead of just spending it on himself,he went outand got a lawn mower,rched into one of our troubled drug lots-there was thiig grassy,overgrown,field with trash and debris-and he started cleaning it.He de it look like the White House lawn.Never confronting a drug dealer but,eventually,they left.In my city I see that conspirators know you do not go through life comfortable.-60-美国名校毕业演讲大公开》》攀上世界的巅峰It's like the old African saying that says if you want to go fast,go alone but if youwant to go far,go together.It's like another saying that he loved,it said,when spiderwebs unite,they can tie up a lion.It's like what Golda Meir said,that when Jews come together,they're strong,butJews with other people,are invincible.It's like the Islamic faith,that one of the Pillars ofIslam is that word Tawheed,which means we all share one God,one spirit,one soul.It's like this wonderful n in a jail cell in Birmingham who wrote the truth ofour nation in 1963 when he said we were all caught in an "inescapable network ofmutuality,tied in a common garment of destiny that injustice,anywhere,is a threat tojustice everywhere..”And when I stand in a conspiracy in Newark,I feel that connection to conspiratorswho understood this truth of coming together like those people who came together-scientists and engineers that turned the moon from a dream into a destiny,like thoseconspirators on the Underground Railroad,black and white,who came togethersaying that we must overcome this slavery,like the conspirators who took us as anation from child labor to public education,from sweatshops to workers'rightsThey were all conspirators who came together to exult our highest ideals,tocelebrate our common aspirations,to live the truth of our founding which is that thisnation is nothing if it stands apart but everything if it stands together.And thus,I say to you,on this graduation.I say to you,in the name of my father,Cary Alfred Booker,I say to you,in the name of my grandfather,Limuary Jordan,to join the conspiracy,to be a class of people that rejects cynici,that is not joining theranks of the denizens of divisiveness or the nattering nabobs of negativity but be lovers.Join the conspiracy and love with all of your heart and all of your courage.Letyour love be defiant.Let your love be rebellious.Join the conspiracy and ke changein your life because change will not roll in on the wheels of inevitability,it must becarried in on the backs of lovers.Class of 2012,I say stand up and be lovers of life,be present,take the moredifficult road,and love in a way that you can ke true the words of children beingsaid in Newark almost every day,then you can be responsible,then king for thisworld and our nation true of the fact that we are one nation,under God,indivisible,with liberty and justice for all.-68-