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《Building Web Apps with WordPress文字版》Brian Messenlehner等编著

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《Building Web Apps with WordPress文字版》Brian Messenlehner等编著
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OREILLYBuildingWeb Appswith WordPressWORDPRESS AS AN APPLICATION FRAMEWORKBrian MessenlehnerJason ColenForeword by Brad WilliamsOREILLYBuilding Web Apps with WordPress“WordPress is morethan just software,it'sWordPress is much more than a blogging platform.As this practical guidea movement that isclearly demonstrates,you can use WordPress to build web apps of anytype-not mere content sites,but full-blown apps for specific tasks.If youbecoming the de factohave PHP experience with a attering of HTML.CSS,and JavaScript,operating system ofyou'll learn how to use WordPress plugins and themes to develop fast.the Web.More thanscalable,and secure web apps,native mobile apps.web services.and evenjust a blog or a CMS.a network of multiple WordPress sites.when you learn how toThe authors use examples from their recently released SchoolPress app touse WordPress as anexplain concepts and techniques throughout the book.All code examplesare available on GitHub.application platformyou'll be at the forefrontCompare WordPress with traditional app developmentof the third wave of itsframeworksgrowth.”Use themes for views,and plugins for backend functionality-Matt MullenwegGet suggestions for choosing WordPress plugins-or buildCo-Founder of WordPressyour ownManage user accounts and roles,and access user data“Brian and Jason haveBuild asynchronous behaviors in your app with jQuerygrown side by side withDevelop native apps for iOS and Android.using wrappersWordPress for years,andIncorporate PHP libraries,external APls,and web service pluginssuccessfully demonstrateCollect payments through ecommerce and membershiphow,for the right kindpluginsof app,developers canUse techniques to speed up and scale your WordPress appleverage that engine tobuild more secure,moreBrian Messenlehner comes from a background of building custom webperfornt applicationsapplications for the US Marine Corps.and is the co-founder of WebDevStudios.in half the time.”a WordPress-only development shop.He and his team at WDS build non-traditional websites and mobile applications.-Jake GoldnJason Colen has pushed WordPress to its limits for years,and helped launchseveral startups using WordPress as an application framework.He now leadsdevelopment for Paid Memberships Pro,a membership-focused ecommerceplugin that powers ny software-as-a-service companiesWEB DEVELOPMENTTwitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyUss34.99CAN$36.99IsBN:978-1-449-36407-6Building Web Apps withWordPressBrian Messenlehner and Jason ColenBeijing·Cambridge·Farnham·Koln·Sebastopol·TokyoOREILLY