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《Python Standard Library》Fredrik Lundh

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《Python Standard Library》Fredrik Lundh
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This document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF PilotNEXTPythonStandardLibraryTable of ContentsIndexReviewsExamplesReader ReviewsErrataPython Standard LibraryBy Fredrik LundhPublisher O'ReillyPub Date May 2001ISBN:0-596-00096-0Pages:300Python Standard Library,an essential guide for serious Python programmers,delivers accurate,author-testeddocumentation of all the modules in the Python Standard Library,along with over 300 annotated example scriptsusing the modules.This version of the book covers all the new modules and related infortion for Python 2.0,thefirst jor release of Python in four years.lave RuBoardNEXTThis document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF PilotPREVIOUS NEXTPythonStandardLibraryTable of ContentsIndexReviewsExamplesReader ReviewsErrataPython Standard LibraryBy Fredrik LundhPublisher O'ReillyPub Date May 2001ISBN:0-596-00096-0Pages:300CopyrightPrefaceAbout This BookConventions Used in This BookAbout the ExamplesHow to Contact UsChapter 1.Core ModulesSection 1.1.IntroductionSection 1.2.The builtin ModuleSection 1.3.The exceptions ModuleSection 1.4.The os ModuleSection 1.5.The os.path ModuleSection 1.6.The stat ModuleSection 1.7.The string ModuleSection 1.8.The re ModuleSection 1.9.The th ModuleSection 1.10.The cth ModuleSection 1.11.The operator ModuleSection 1.12.The copy ModuleSection 1.13.The sys ModuleSection 1.14.The atexit ModuleSection 1.15.The time ModuleSection 1.16.The types ModuleSection 1.17.The ge ModuleChapter 2.More Standard ModulesThis document is created with the unregistered version of CHM2PDF PilotSection 2.1.OverviewSection 2.2.The fileinput ModuleSection 2.3.The shutil ModuleSection 2.4.The tempfile ModuleSection 2.5.The StringlO ModuleSection 2.6.The cStringIO ModuleSection 2.7.The mp ModuleSection 2.8.The UserDict ModuleSection 2.9.The UserList ModuleSection 2.10.The UserString ModuleSection 2.11.The traceback ModuleSection 2.13.The getopt ModuleSection 2.14.The getpass ModuleSection 2.15.The glob ModuleSection 2.17.The random ModuleSection 2.18.The whrandom ModuleSection 2.19.The md5 ModuleSection 2.20.The sha ModuleSection 2.21.The crypt ModuleSection 2.22.The rotor ModuleSection 2.23.The zlib ModuleSection 2.24.The code ModuleChapter 3.Threads and ProcessesSection 3.1.OverviewSection 3.2.The threading ModuleSection 3.3.The Queue ModuleSection 3.4.The thread ModuleSection 3.5.The comnds ModuleSection 3.6.The pipes ModuleSection 3.7.The popen2 ModuleSection 3.8.The signal ModuleChapter 4.Data RepresentationSection 4.1.OverviewSection 4.2.The array ModuleSection 4.3.The struct ModuleSection 4.4.The xdrlib ModuleSection 4.5.The rshal ModuleSection 4.6.The pickle ModuleSection 4.7.The cPickle ModuleSection 4.8.The copy_reg ModuleSection 4.9.The pprint ModuleSection 4.10.The repr ModuleSection 4.11.The base64 ModuleSection 4.12.The binhex ModuleSection 4.13.The quopri ModuleSection 4.14.The uu ModuleSection 4.15.The binascii ModuleChapter 5.File FortsSection 5.1.OverviewSection 5.2.The xmllib Module