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《Python 核心编程翻译版 第二版》Vheavens

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《Python 核心编程翻译版 第二版》Vheavens
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PRENTICEPython核心编程(第二版)[美]Wesley J.Chun著宋吉广译T初学Python?这是一本有关Python:开发的权威指南性,而不仅仅是语法,学习更多的高阶内容,如正则表达式、网络、多线程、图形用户界面、Web/CGl和Python扩展等"包括几个全新的章节,关于数据库、网络客户端、Java/Jython和Microsoft Office等亨展示数以百计的代码片段、交互实例和大量加强您的Python:技能的实用练习PYTHONprogramming人民邮电出版社POSTS ECOM PRESSEdit By Vheavens对《Python核心编程》的褒奖"The long-awaited second edition of Wesley Chun's Core PythonProgramming proves to be well worth the wait-its deep and broad coverageand useful exercises will help readers learn and practice good Python.-Alex Martelli,author of Python in a Nutshell and editor of PythonCookbook“对陈仲才《Python核心编程》第二版的漫长等待是值得的一它的深邃、它的全面以及书中实用的练习将会帮助读者学会并掌握杰出的Python技能”一一亚历克斯·马特利(Alex Martel1i)《Python in a Nutshel1》一书作者,以及《Python Cookbook》的编辑"There has been lot of good buzz around Wesley Chun's Core PythonProgramming.It turns out that all the buzz is well earned.I think thisis the best book currently available for learning Python.I would recommendChun's book over Learning Python (0'Reilly),Programming Python(0'Reilly),or The Quick Python Book (Manning)."-David Mertz,Ph.D.,IBM DeveloperWorks?“之前就听到许多对陈仲才《Python核心编程》的溢美之词,最终这些褒奖被证明都没有言过其实。我想这是现今学习Python最出色的书籍了。我认为仲才的书超越《Learning Python?》(0'Reilly出版社),《Programming Python》(0'Reilly社),以及《Quick Python Book》(Manning出版杜)”大・(David Mertz),, IBM DeveloperWorks"I have been doing a lot of research [on]Python for the past yearand have seen a number of positive reviews of your book.The sentimentexpressed confirms the opinion that Core Python Programming is nowconsidered the standard introductory text."-Richard Ozaki,Lockheed Martin“我在过去的一年里对Python进行了许多研究,并且读到了许多对你作品的肯定评价。这些评述准确的表达了一个观点,这就是《Python核心编程》现在被看作是一本权威的Python读本。”・尾崎(Richard Ozaki),・(Lockheed Martin)Edit By VheavensEdit By Vheavens公司"Finally,a book good enough to be both a textbook and a referenceon thePython language now exists.-Michael Baxter,Linux Journal“最终,一本杰出的融教材和参考书目于一身的Python书籍诞生了。。”・(Michael Baxter),《Linux Journal》"Very well written.It is the clearest,friendliest book I have comeacross yet for explaining Python,and putting it in a wider context.Itdoes not presume a large amount of other experience.It does go into someimportant Python topics carefully and in depth.Unlike too ny beginnerbooks,it never condescends or tortures the reader with childishhide-and-seek prose games.[It]sticks to gaining a solid grasp of Pythonsyntax and structure.-://python.org bookstore Web site“非常不错的作品。这是我迄今遇到的最清楚最友好的阐释Python的书籍了,并且它还将Python引入了更广阔的领域。它没有冒昧的大量引用其他经验,而是谨慎、深入的探索了Python的一些重要主题。与许多入门读物不同,本书不会用这两个主题。”一一://python.org网上书店"[If I could only own one Python book,it would be Core PythonProgramming by Wesley Chun.This book nages to cover more topics in moredepth than Learning Python but includes it all in one book that also morethan adequately covers the core language.[If]you are in the rket forjust one book about Python,I recommend this book.You will enjoy readingit,including its wry programmer's wit.More importantly,you will learnPython.Even more importantly,you will find it invaluable in helping youin your day-to-day Python programming life.Well done,Mr.Chun!"-Ron Stephens,Python Learning FoundationEdit By Vheavens