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《Rails for Java Developers》Stuart Halloway

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《Rails for Java Developers》Stuart Halloway
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RailsDevelopersWhat readers are saying about Rails for Java DevelopersEvery Java developer should be exposed to ideas from different lan-guages,and Ruby/Rails is a wellspring of good ideas.Read thiook-it will help you learn Ruby and Rails,and give you new ideastransferable to Java.David BockTechnical Director.Federal and Commercial Division.FGMInc.Stuart and Justin have pulled off what I once thought was an impos-sible feat:consolidating all the knowledge that a Java developer needsto understand Ruby on Rails.Until this book.you would have to readat least three books (and thousands of pages)to get the same under-standing encapsulated in this excellent text.They clearly understandboth sides of the equation(RoR and Java),which allows them to cutthrough irrelevancies and hone in on the important topics.This bookshould be required reading for more than just the people learningRails:every Java developer will benefit from learning the importantlessons that Rails teaches.Neal FordApplication Architect/Developer,ThoughtworksIf you are a Java developer and you want to explore Ruby on Rails.this is the book to get.Justin and Stu do a sterful job of revealingthe intricacies of Ruby and Ruby on Rails from a Java developer's per-spective.Not only that,this book is extremely well written,and is apleasure to read.David GearyAuthor of Graphic Java Swing and co-author of Core"get"Rails by presenting the Rails stack from a perspective that'sfamiliar and comfortable.In doing so.they prove that Rails and Javadon't have to be mutually exclusive.Ted NewardAuthor of Effective Enterprise JavaIf you are a Java developer trying to learn Rails.this book is the placeto start.There is no better resource for quickly coming up to speedwith Rails,Ruby.Rake,and ActiveRecord.Mark RichardsSenior IT Architect,IBMTo hear some tell it,there's tension and rivalry between the Java andRails web development camps.but that's hard to see from where Istand.Most of the happy Rails developers I know have a long historyas Java programmers,and while we love Java for what it does well,web development in Java leaves a lot to be desired.Rails is a delight-ful breath of fresh air,and I'm confident this book will open the eyesof a lot of other Java developers who are looking for a nicer way tobuild web applications.Glenn VanderburgIndependent Ruby and Java consultant