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《鹰语坊双语心灵阅读系列 让我们藏起眼泪 汉英对照》栾桂凤编译

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《鹰语坊双语心灵阅读系列 让我们藏起眼泪 汉英对照》栾桂凤编译
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第一章Scatter the Loneliness in Your Heart驱散内心的弧独properly installed.Can you turn those off 'am?Customer:I don't know how to turn them off.Can you tell me how?Tech Support:My pleasure.Go to your Start menu and invokeFORGIVENESS.EXE.Do this as ny times as necessary until GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM have been completely erased.Customer:Okay,I'm done.LOVE has started installing itselfautotically'.Is that norl?Tech Support:Yes it is.You should receive a message that says it willreinstall for the life of your HEART.Do you see that message?Customer:Yes I do.Is it completely installed?Tech Support:Yes,but remember that you have only the base program.You need to begin connecting to other HEARTS in order to get the upgrades.Customer:Oops...I have an error message already.What should I do?Tech Support:What does the message say?Customer:It says"ERROR 412-PROGRAM NOT RUN ON INTERNALCOMPONENTS".What does that mean?Tech Support:Don't worry 'am,that's a common problem.It meansthat the LOVE program is set up to run on external HEARTS but has notyet been run on your HEART.It is one of those complicated programmingthings,but in non-technical terms it means-"you have to 'LOVE'your ownchine before it can 'LOVE'others."Customer:So what should I do?003让我们藏起眼泪Let Us Hold Back the TearsTech Support:Can you find the directory called "SELF-ACCEPTANCE"?Customer:Yes,I have it.Tech Support:Excellent,you are getting good at this.Customer:Thank you.Tech Support:You're welcome.Click on the following files and then copythem to the "MYHEART"directory:FORGIVESELF.DOC,SELFESTEEM.TXT,REALIZEWORTH.TXT,and GOODNESS.DOC.The system willoverwrite any conflicting files and begin patching any faulty programming.Also,you need to delete SELFCRITIC.EXE from all directories,and thenempty your recycle bin afterwards to ke sure it is completely gone andnever comes back.Customer:Got it.Hey!My HEART is filling up with really neatfiles.ILE.MPG is playing on my monitor right now and it shows thatWARMTH.COM,PEACE.EXE,and CONTENTMENT.COM are copyingthemselves all over my HEART!Tech Support:Then LOVE is installed and running.You should be able tohandle it from here.One more thing before I go.Customer:Yes?Tech Support:LOVE is freeware.Be sure to give it and its variouodules to everybody you meet.They will in turn share it with other peopleand they will return some really neat modules back to you.Customer:I will.Thank you for your help.004